Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Samsung-Apple Fight Moves to Marketing

I went to the New York Times website and found this article about Samsung’s marketing strategy to try to beat out apple. The Samsung Galaxy S III has been marketed with full-page ads listing its capabilities in comparison to the Iphone 5, which is put out by apple. Samsung is trying to demonstrate that although apple has the number one spot in the market the Galaxy has more to offer than the iphone. By showing the iphones limitations Samsung is hoping to gain attention to their product and directly "attack" apple in hopes of gaining the number one spot in cell phone brands.
This article also made me realize the downfall of not having specific patents. I did not know apple had a patent for the shape of their phone.  That really makes for inconveniences when the shape of a phone, no matter what brand, is very similar due to the function. This may be what some people take into consideration when purchasing a phone. A company with a key patent really will be beneficial to the company over competitors, even if this should not be such a high component to choosing a cell phone with a lot of capabilities considering the cost.
It must be hard to market a product when the majority of people already own the iphone and have no intention of switching to Samsung. It may be true that Galaxy S III has more technology and features but Samsung has to find a way to target up and coming cell phone buyers to purchase the Galaxy over the iphone. I think this article highlights that having brand recognition is highly important and that apple has that in the cell phone industry. I think it would be discouraging for Samsung to know their product is “better” in regard to capabilities, but is not number one in the market.

Do you think Samsungs ads will benefit their sales? What do you think they can do differently? Do you think any other phone will surpass the iphone? Do you think consumers are blinded to better/new technology because they are caught up in having an iphone?


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