Tuesday, April 23, 2013

AMA Should John Sell the Information?

The AMA statement of ethics does not out right say it is not allowed to sell information from the survey. It eludes that is may not be considered ethical or responsible but nothing is mentioned about selling the information. The statement mostly focuses on not telling false information and not being racist, sexist, etc. basically just acting in an ethical way but at the discretion of who is making the decisions.

I voted that John should sell the information. As long as on the survey he did not state that the information would not be given out, I think it is fine to sell the information. I would have a problem however, and the AMA definitely would, with John selling the information if he had told those taking the survey that the information would not be sold or used elsewhere. That would be unethical and the people taking the survey would feel betrayed and would not trust the company again. I also think in a tough situation people usually push the limits on what is “ethical”. By selling the information John saves the company and does not have to lay off members of his business. To me, that is more beneficial than not selling the information as there is nothing stating it is illegal.

I think this is a common dilemma. People want information and money. I think people will try to sell the information they have for money, even if it is not the right thing to do. I often wonder how I get phone calls from blocked numbers wanting me to buy certain things that relate to items I have bought online. Sometimes I think companies sell my information to other companies if I express an interest in a particular type of clothing.

Do you think it is beneficial for companies to sell information? Do you think the backlash of selling the information out weighs the benefits? 

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